Chasing the sun – By: Sofía

As winter gradually transitions into spring and the days grow longer in Uppsala, one can’t help but notice the change in atmosphere – not just the rising temperatures, but also the increased presence of students outside, soaking in the bits of sunshine. As a student at Uppsala University hailing from Mexico, I’ve personally witnessed how the shifting seasons affect my mood, energy levels, and social interactions.

Back home in Hermosillo, located in the northern part of Mexico known for its very high temperatures (45-50°C!!), I often found myself running away from the sun seeking refuge indoors, to protect myself from the heat and the intense rays of the sun. However, in Sweden, after almost 4 months of darkness and an extreme cold weather, the sun becomes a treasure, something almost mythical that one constantly seeks to capture. It’s a big contrast from my previous experiences, where I would seek shelter from the sun’s intensity. Here, after months of gloomy skies and dwindling daylight, all I yearn for is to be in its warmth and to enjoy a beautiful sunny day outside.

What strikes me most about the arrival of spring in Sweden is the noticeable shift in social dynamics. With the emergence of the sun, the city seems to awaken from its hibernation. Streets are now filled with people eager to embrace the outdoors, sharing meals, going for long walks, and engaging in spontaneous conversations. It’s as if the sun acts as a universal catalyst, fostering a sense of community and conviviality among strangers and acquaintances alike.

What strikes me most about the arrival of spring in Sweden is the noticeable shift in social dynamics. With the emergence of the sun, the city seems to awaken from its hibernation. Streets are now filled with people eager to embrace the outdoors, sharing meals, going for long walks, and engaging in spontaneous conversations. It’s as if the sun acts as a universal catalyst, fostering a sense of community and conviviality among strangers and acquaintances alike.

Observing the transformation that occurs when the sun makes its long-awaited appearance, I’ve come to realize the profound impact it has on my own well-being. I feel like myself. I feel more energetic, optimistic, and eager to do things. It’s a contrast from the fatigue, gloominess and sluggishness that often accompany the dark winter months. I’ve come to appreciate the vital role that sunlight plays in regulating my mood and overall mental health, a realization that I had previously taken for granted.

With this I would like to remind myself and you reading this of the importance of embracing the beauty and the challenges of each season. The beginning of spring serves as a reminder of how after long months of darkness  we get to experience the brightness, warmth, and the blooming of a new season.


  1. Hasanthi Karunasekera

    interesting see the sun is coming to Sweden too.

  2. Eduardo Waschburger

    Hi Sofia!

  3. Andy

    Yes, the season and the weather are constantly changing in Sweden, not least in Uppsala. However, spring is still approaching and then it usually just blows up in Uppsala before summer is also here, and when summer is at its finest in Uppsala, it is absolutely unbeatable. Take care and enjoy what is to come.

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