Category: Okategoriserade (Page 18 of 19)

How I learned how to be a normal human again. – By Su Fang

Here’s what normal humans do: they can go to the grocery store, cook their own food, exercise, socialize, sleep, and not be constantly stressed while doing all those things.

I really hadn’t realized just how stressed I was at my home university until I came here and found myself thinking, “Wow, I have time to make myself a proper meal and eat it? NICE. What, you mean I could get 8 whole hours of sleep tonight? SCORE. Wait, a whole hour of free time that I could do whatever I want– go to the gym for an hour, sing in the shower for an hour, eat Swedish candy for an hour? ALRIGHT!”

… and then it hit me: this is what being a normal, healthy person is supposed to feel like.

While I think that any change of environment would have helped me come to this realization, I think a huge factor was the academic environment and attitude here. I’m currently taking two courses, one that’s a ‘100% study load’ and another that’s a ‘25% study load,’ and I usually have 10 hours of class each week, give or take. Most of those class hours are seminar-style rather than a lecture, and pretty much all of the work is done outside of class in the form of readings, to prepare for the seminars. By no means is the environment lazy or unmotivated, but it feels much more focused on student learning rather than testing and “efficiency.” Looking back at it now, I’m realizing the extent to which my home university is focused on this “efficiency”: fit as many students in a lecture hall as possible, cover as much material as possible in the class period, and transition to your next class within 10-15 minutes.

At Uppsala, my classes are usually 2 hours long in total, with a 15-minute break for every 45 minutes of class. That’s really not all that different, time-wise, from the “breaks” at my university, but the attitudes surrounding the breaks are entirely distinct. Here, the breaks are to clear your mind, stretch your legs, get some coffee, and ask your friends about their weekend– not so you can power-walk to your next class and quickly stuff your face with some yogurt because you’re always in a be-as-productive-as-humanly-possible-mindset.

The breaks did take some getting used to though. I actually found them really annoying at first. (Because come on, if we’re going to be here for another 45 minutes, we might as well just get on with it…) But then I started realizing that my brain gets a little pouty after 45 minutes and just refuses to continue absorbing information. So, much to my chagrin, I’ve started giving my brain the breaks it demands, and it turns out that doing nothing for a little while is really helpful for doing everything else later on. Seems pretty silly that I had to move to the other side of the globe to learn how to a) do nothing and b) be a normal human, but without a real change of pace, I’m not sure that I would have otherwise.


A vegetarian in Sweden – By Mayra Rulli

‘Special’ diets are usually a big issue in many places when, but not only, we want to eat out, right? For instance, in my home country (Brazil) there is a strong culture of a necessity to eat meat in preferably every meal. Therefore, it can be extremely annoying when you go to a restaurant there and you do not want to eat meat for whatever reason. Hard for a vegetarian, right? Now imagine a vegan, it is basically impossible to get anything to eat unless you go to specifically vegan restaurants, which are not common at all. From there things just get harder and harder, gluten free options for example are essentially never available, I personally have friends that are gluten intolerant and have to always bring their own food or just eat before leaving home. Moreover, that is not something that happen only in Brazil, many other Americans or European countries have the same problem. However, if you want to study in a place where you can find vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, lactose free, nut free or whatever your needs may be free basically wherever you go, Sweden is your place.

Well, starting from the basics…

Okay, I will admit, back home it was quite easy to go to the supermarket and get loads of fresh vegetables for decent prices, but you know even though vegetables and greens are quite important in a veggie diet, we do not eat only that. Here you can go to the supermarket closest to your house and you will find all sorts of vegetarian/vegan options that you can choose from, that is vegetable based milks, yogurts, cream, ice-cream, cheeses, burgers, sausages or basically anything you can think of, specially great assortment of mushrooms (summer will be amazing for that, you can go pick your own mushrooms in the forest). And that is not the only think, you can also find a whole session of gluten free products with nice goodies. Talking about goodies, Swedes have a tradition of eating candy only on Saturday (at least for the kids), which is the Lördagsgodis, and if you are vegan or vegetarian you can enjoy it as well as everyone else as here you can find all sorts of gelatine free gummy-like candies.

I know, talking about fika again? Yep, we all love fika! Everyone enjoys going to cafés or having fika with friends in any place. In all cafés, you will be able to find vegan and gluten free cakes, cookies, pastries, chocolate balls, and many other options.

Eating out
It is unlikely that you will go to a restaurant or any place to eat really, and they will not have at least one vegetarian/vegan options. Moreover, of course we also like to have that not exactly health fast food once in a while, right? Well, Sweden’s favourite hamburger restaurant chain provide you if different options of veggie burgers that you can choose from, just beware with the barbecue option if you are not a fan of spicy food (lots of jalapeño on that one). The student nations also always offer veggie option on their pub, restaurants, brunch and any other events.

Invited for dinner
Have you ever had that uncomfortable feeling when you are invited to a friend’s/relative’s house for lunch, dinner or whatever occasion, and you are not sure they know you don’t eat meat and you are not sure you should bring that up? Usually, you don’t have to worry about that here. Many Swedes are vegetarian or vegan and it is totally okay with other people if you do not eat meat, they will not tease you or make any jokes, and most importantly the person inviting you will be the first to ask whether you have any ‘special’ diet or not. You will most certainly feel welcome to eat in all places.

So, if that is one of your worries it is okay, you will not starve in Sweden and in most cases, all the new food you will be able to eat will be better than you could ever imagine. Swedes do not kid when the topic is food and they will lure you to many events with food (we all love that).


Exploring the University’s Libraries – By Gabrielle Ingenthron

I love books. Ergo, I love libraries.

So naturally, I didn’t stand a chance the very first time I went to study in one of the campus libraries. My fingers were itching to grab at every title I saw and carefully turn the pages of the most delicate books I could find. You know those kids who stare in wide-eyed wonder when they go to Disney World for the first time? Yeah, that was me in the Carolina Rediviva Bibliotek. I think I distracted my neighbors by doing absolutely nothing except sit and stare at all the book shelves and architecture of the main hall for the first ten minutes I was there. It was just so beautiful.

What’s fun about the layout of some of the libraries is that the desks are often scattered throughout and in between the shelves – so if you’re a diehard book fan like I am, don’t be surprised if an interesting title on a nearby shelf draws your attention away from your work. Uppsala has a whole slew of libraries, filled with books and magazines and journals and even postcards (yes, you read that correctly). In total there are eleven, not including all the mini libraries each student nation (13) has at its home base. I have yet to visit every single one, but it’s on the bucket list to do before I leave Uppsala.

Now, in order to have access to all these beautiful books, one of the first things to do once you’ve settled in Uppsala is to is march yourself to the help desk at the main library and sign up for a free library card. If you can, memorize the number so that you can still request books on days you accidentally forget it at home (like I do, almost every single time I go to the library).

Next, familiarize yourself with the online library search engine (which you can find by Googling ‘Uppsala University Library’) because it will become your best friend when you have assignments due. Most of the time you can request a book you need online using your library card number and a librarian will have it ready for you in a few hours, but be prepared to spend some quality time searching the shelves if not – that’s where finding these books can be tricky. Be sure to look at the library floor plans to understand how they are organized by topic and by category letter, which you will find when you look up the book online (there are a number of computers in each library available to search for books or to use for university-related purposes). Each library is different so don’t be afraid to ask a librarian for help. They’re very nice and always willing to explain the system to you.

Another thing to be aware of is that there might not always be online copies of the literature you need for class. Most of my required readings for my courses at my home university were available online, so this was definitely a bit of a surprise. A lot of the history books I need here are only available in physical copy – of which there often only exists one or two in total. Thus, when you’re in a class with (at least) fifteen other students all vying to get their hands on the same mandatory book for the seminar that week, it can feel a bit like the Hunger Games as you race to get it done before someone snatches up the book for the whole week.

The best solution in instances like those is to overcome any shyness you may have, reach out to all your classmates, and create a Facebook group with them in it. This way, you can divvy up the readings amongst each other if you’d like, as well as coordinate sharing the books and resources. It’s a great way to stay on top of huge reading loads, and an easy way to make friends in class!

Credits: Cecilia Larsson Lantz/

One of the coolest things about these libraries is that there are people of almost all ages using it. It’s not unusual to find yourself sitting across from a professor or an older Masters’ or PhD student at a desk as they do their research. I personally find this kind of neat, as you get to see your professors in the same boat as you are: spending lots of time at the library as they work to hit a deadline. It definitely makes them more relatable (well that, and the fact that you typically refer to them by their first name here in Sweden).

Lastly, for your own sanity, many of you may be relieved to know that most of the libraries are in buildings with cafeterias and/or bakeries that can provide you with coffee and delicious cinnamon buns to help motivate you on a work day. Furthermore, there are microwaves everywhere in case you prefer to bring a lunch from home, with many tables just outside of the library-zones for you to eat at.

One thing to know, however, that the university’s libraries actually have limited hours. I found this a bit unfortunate, as they typically close between 6-8pm and I have yet to discover one that remains open later. Nonetheless, there are a great number of books in English and lots of variety in the libraries, which are each dedicated to different areas of study (i.e. law, economics, humanities, etc), making them an excellent resource. The atmosphere is very pleasant, the architecture is lovely, and the rooms have plenty of windows to allow sunlight in so that you don’t end up with too much of a Vitamin D deficiency.

So whether you are someone who love books as much as I do or you just need somewhere to do research and stay on top of your workload, I highly recommend exploring the libraries. They’re a great asset to the University!

If you’re interested to know more about the libraries from a historical perspective, check it out!


Five Swedish Food Related Holidays – By Michelle Ochsner

Swedes love their food. From eating candy, or godis, every Saturday to an entire day dedicated to eating waffles. There seems to be a special calendar day or event for consuming any kind of food or pastry in Sweden, and on those days the cafes are packed for extra special fikas, and being together with friends, and family.

Here are 5 food related holidays in Sweden I find the most exciting!

Credits: Carolina Romare/ & Tina Stafrén/



I never thought I would… By Lucie Kulhankova

I do not know if you heard, but it is official spring here in Uppsala. We have first blooming flowers, sunshine and I even met a hare on my way to school today. Spring means we are spending a lot more time outside. Last week I was sitting with my friends after a long a day in nature and one of them looked at us and said: “You know guys, I never thought I would find so many great people here is Sweden!”. And of course it was the most heart-warming thing I ever heard, but it also made me realize how many things I never thought about happening before coming here! I have to admit to myself that even though I promised to my friends back home that I would not change. I kind of lied and there are so many things that I would never imagine happening to me that did. So here are my top five of my Never thought I woulds.

I never thought I would…cycle so much

The last time I was cycling I was around eight years old and I fell and scratched my knee. I remember stubbornly swearing to myself that I will not ride that devil´s instrument ever again. I actually kept that promise for quite a while…and then I moved to Sweden. I am pretty sure that someone thought: Let’s make transportation around this country very inconvenient for people without bikes! Everything here is made for cycling. The way for bikes is several times wider than for pedestrians. One has a bigger chance of crossing the road on a bike than on foot or in a car. On every corner, there is a bike stand so people can safely leave their ride there. Buses are not very frequent and I wish you the best of luck if you want to take one later in the evening. So whether you want to or not, biking will simply become a big part of your life! And the worst part is that you will probably start to actually like it. You can get everywhere around the city in a just a couple of minutes. Checking for bus schedules or numbers for taxi will become a faint memory for you. And since all of your friends are also biking, you will bike together most of the time. And let me warn you, it will feel like an 80s movie!

I never thought I would…drink so much coffee

Don’t tell this to my Swedish friends, but I always was more of a tea person. I guess you already have heard about Sweden´s high caffeine consumption. And you probably did not pay too much attention to it. Well, you should. I am pretty sure that people who do not drink coffee are deported from this country straight away since I am yet to meet at least one. You have coffee at home, at school, at any meeting, at fika and then again at home. The good news is that it also comes with the best tradition of them all: fika. If you have not heard yet about fika, you should know that it is something you will meet a lot while living in Sweden. It is basically just a fancy word for having a nice cup of coffee and something yummy with people. You can fika after school or maybe even in a class. Sometimes fikas can even mask important events like interviews or dates!

I never thought I would… have it so easy eating out
Chances are that in your friends’ group you have someone who is vegan, lactose intolerant, gluten intolerant or eats raw. It is also likely, that eating out can sometimes prove to be quite a challenge and someone always feels a bit left out. Well, welcome to Sweden, land of great options for all of your deep food desires and preferences. Whenever we go out for dinner here, we don’t even really have to think about our vegans and gluten-free friends. They will always have something they can eat! And when I am going to buy some milk I can always go for an ecological or plant-based option. This was very new to me! In my home country, if I wanted something “special”, I needed to go to a special store and vegan or dietary products were really limited in normal shops. Way to go Sweden!

I never thought I would… join a fraternity

Well, not exactly a fraternity in the as-seen-in-every-US-movie way. In Uppsala, we have 13 amazing student nations that are open to any student.  They are a centre of social life around here with each of them having a pub, café or a club of some sorts. Basically, if you want to go out and have fun, nations probably will be your first choice. But it is not only Friday clubbing that nations offer! Whatever is your idea of a good time, you can find it there: quiz nights, board games, yoga, gasques, flea markets, choirs, sports teams and so much more. And in case you can’t find what you are looking for, you can always start your own club! And honestly, if you are not a member of any nations, you are committing yourself to staying in or paying way too much money for a beer!

I never thought I would… find so many great people at one place
I know this is kind of cheating since my friend came up with that way before me. However, I do have to mention it. There are so many great things about my experience here, but it all ultimately goes down to the people around me. Even though the countless dinners, movie nights and hangouts with my friends are not the best way to study hard. I met some amazing teachers and mentors here.  For the first time, I felt like I am being treated like an equal and that made me learn so much more than I normally would. I got a lot of academical freedom here. But I also gained an amazing support system at the University. So whatever I wanted to do, whether it was joining an iGEM competition in the summer or taking some extra classes, I was always surrounded by people who were trying to make it happen for me. So in the end, it all goes down to the fact that I never thought I would grow so much as a person here.


Uppsala: The right choice. By Arindam

I had mixed feelings about travelling to Uppsala to what would be my first trip outside India. I was excited to explore a new place with a totally different culture. At the same time I was also apprehensive of leaving my comfort zone. Eight months into my Swedish adventure and the thought process has completely changed. Uppsala has become a home away from home. I feel that I have made the best possible decision by choosing Uppsala University for my masters. The biggest gain is the chance to study at a renowned University with world class facilities located in a beautiful country known for innovation, opportunity and equality.

There are quite a few other reasons why Uppsala has captured my imagination. I have listed some of them below:

People: Swedes are known to resemble their weather i.e. cold. Well I feel this pre conceived notion is quite exaggerated. I agree that they don’t like ‘small talk’ but most of them are quite friendly, polite and always willing to help. Moreover most Swedes can speak English and so language will never be a problem. To add to that Uppsala has a lot of expats (mostly students) and this leads to a pronounced multicultural vibe.

Location: Uppsala is located less than an hour (by train) away from Stockholm which permits hassle free travel during the weekends to check out what the capital has to offer. Arlanda airport, the main airport of Stockholm is situated just 35km south of Uppsala. It is actually closer to Uppsala than to Stockholm.

Biking: One of the first things one should buy here is a bike. The cheapest and easiest means of commuting around Uppsala is by a bike. Reasons for biking: 1) saves money 2) environmental friendly 3) good for health 4) perfect joyride. Uppsala is a bike-friendly city with dedicated bike paths everywhere .No matter what the weather is, a bike will never go out of trend in Uppsala.

International class: One thing that is guaranteed is that a normal class at Uppsala University will have a mixture of students belonging to different nationalities. In my programme, there are students from different countries ranging from Paraguay to Poland and Indonesia to Iceland. This provides a scope for cultural exchange like never before.

Student nations: Student nations are the heart beat of a student’s cultural and social life in Uppsala. Each of the 13 nations is named after a specific region in Sweden. Each nation offers a plethora of activities that are ‘for the students, by the students’. Noteworthy mentions include cheap food, accommodation, scholarships, work opportunity, club nights, formal dinners and musical events. I frequently work at a student nation and trust me it is the best way to meet new people and to socialize.

Scenic beauty: Uppsala is a picturesque city that is wrapped in history. The many tourist attractions the city has to offer include the royal mounds, ruins and burial sites of Gamla Uppsala, Uppsala castle, Botanical garden and the Linnaeus museum. ‘The Right of Public Access’ allows everyone to enjoy the beauty and adventure of the Swedish countryside. It permits the public to roam freely on private land, to hike or camp overnight and to pick wildflowers, mushrooms and berries. I haven’t yet experienced the thrill of an outdoor adventure on long summer nights. But I have exciting things planned in the coming months.

I am almost halfway through my master programme and it has been a wonderful experience. I have survived the cold winter months and now it is time to cash in with the pleasant summer just around the corner. I am certain that coming here was the right choice for me and I am sure that you won’t regret it either.



How I Chose My Nation (And So Can You!) By Erika Loggin

My first two weeks in Uppsala were packed with orientation activities, walking tours and meeting new people. And every day, I was asked at least a dozen times, “What nation have you joined?”

Here’s a bit of information so you don’t just stare blankly and shrug like I did: Uppsala has 13 student nations named after different regions in Sweden. I’ve heard them compared to sororities and fraternities in the United States, or even the houses at Hogwarts, but I don’t think there’s a true equivalent outside of Sweden. The nations are student organizations that go back for centuries. Today they run pubs and cafes and hold club nights, fancy dinners, and other events. And, within your first month here, you’ll get to join one.

You need to join a nation to do pretty much anything student related in Uppsala (and your nation card can get you a discount in some coffee shops – very important!), and there are lots of other perks. Your nation might offer fitness classes or free coffee while you’re studying. Joining Östgöta will save you 11 kronor at their waffle buffet (which I clearly visit way too often), while joining Snerikes gives you free entrance to their Tuesday night club. Each nation offers a lot of similar benefits and opportunities, yet they are all unique, which makes choosing one so difficult.

Orientation feels a bit like speed dating. The nations hold different events like pub quizzes and Swedish food nights, and you get to spend a couple hours exploring their buildings and speaking with current members, trying to see if you’ve found the right fit. I tried to picture myself belonging to each nation I visited. Did I like the music they played in their pub? Did they have a cool coat of arms? Could I see myself sitting in their library, guzzling complimentary coffee and cramming for an exam? For a lot of different reasons, the answer was usually no, not quite.

Then I went to Smålands. To continue this awkward analogy, I knew I’d found “the one.” My friends and I arrived early for an event, so we waited on comfy leather couches in the library, eating dessert with some of the nation’s current members. While we talked, I didn’t feel like I was trying to impress anyone, and I also didn’t feel they were trying to sell me on their nation. The people were friendly and I felt instantly at home.

Smålands is a smaller nation, so they don’t hold too many huge events or club nights. But the size of the nation also makes it easier to get to know people and to see familiar faces at the Saturday fika. Smålands also holds a weekly pub quiz and has some of the best burgers in the city. It might not be right for everyone, but it was right for me.

That’s what it comes down to in the end: What do you enjoy and what are you looking for? If you don’t know now, you’ll know it when you’re there. Plus, no matter which nation you join, you can still attend events and even work at any of them. Good luck finding the right nation and making your home here in Uppsala.



How to: Lose your house keys and bond with Swedes. By Michelle Ochsner

If you were anything like me you’d love to believe you’re always super organized, and something as silly as losing house keys would surely never happen to you. Still no matter how many times your friends tease you for the amount of times you check your backpack, to see if your wallet hasn’t suddenly disappeared from the last time you checked, the unthinkable can still happen.

I was walking to my class one night when I realized my wallet containing keys to both my building, and room had slipped out of my pocket. Of course at this point all that important information I received on arrival day is just shoved in a drawer now locked up in my room. That’s it I thought, my Uppsala life is over and now I have to live on the streets. Since Studentstaden was already closed I would have had to call a number for someone to come break into my room, which would cost me 2500kr. I know Swedes speak exceptional English but something inside of me always feels bad that Swedes aren’t even able to speak Swedish in their own country around me so I decided against calling for the time being.

Before I arrived in Sweden I was warned by many people that Swedes are typically quite reserved but once the barrier is removed they are proved to be hospitable, and some of the kindest people. 3 out of 4 of the people living in my corridor are Swedish, some quite reserved, and stick to themselves but still friendly. I quite often have very nice conversations with one of my corridor mates so I decided to send him a message to let me into our building, and corridor so I could at least be at home before making any quick decisions. This is when I truly understood what Swedish hospitality meant. He called Studentstaden for me to organize when I could pick up my extra set of keys the next day, cooked me dinner, prepared plenty of snacks and tea, good conversations, attempts at lock picking, and let me sleep on his couch for the night. His kind actions, and words made me feel so much better about the situation. He truly went above, and beyond to make me feel like more of a guest in his home, even though my room was just across the hall from his. As everyone feels when they first move here, the number one thing on everyone’s mind is “will I make any friends?” I can really say I have met so many lovely people through my exchange who have helped me out so much throughout this situation, asking if I needed anything and conducting search parties to find my missing wallet. My other corridor mates that I don’t speak to very often also asked what they could do, and showed me so much kindness.

The next day after retrieving my extra set of keys, and being informed that I would need to spend 3000 kr to change the locks to my room I received an email from the reception office at the Evolutionary Biology Centre that someone had returned my wallet. I can never thank everyone enough for such great hospitality, and helping me figure things out which has now saved me so much money. It has made me appreciate Sweden so much more now, and befriending swedes is a must do as they will treat you with such generosity, and warmth.

So, what’s my advice if you are ever put into this scenario? Firstly, read ALL the information given to you upon move in. Figure out how to easily access important numbers for whom to contact in any given situation. I didn’t realize this until my corridor mate pointed it out but StudentStaden has an extra set of keys for all exchange students. If you lose your keys especially after Studentstaden closes, don’t panic. You will find someone who will let you crash at their place for the night to avoid the hefty fee to break open your room; then retrieve your spare keys the next day. Still try to find the original missing keys to save you the money, and time from having to change the locks. Moving to a new place can seem scary, but everyone else is in the same position trying to make friends, and figure out how to live in Sweden. Most people also don’t know what exactly they’re doing so take a step back, and it will work out in one way or another.


From tropical to Sweden By Mayra Rulli

What is the first thing that you think when you have always experienced a warm and nice weather and are thinking in applying to study in Sweden for example? I don’t know about you, but the first thing that came to my mind was ‘how will I survive the cold’? Do not get me wrong, as every person that come from warm countries, I always dreamed to see snow and build snowman and whatnot, but when you are faced with the reality of ‘is it okay to live in a place that reaches -20°C or less during winter, you kind of wonder if you will be able to survive, when the minimum that you have ever experienced in your life was 5°C with a lot of layers on. Now I can tell you, it is worth every freezing hand when you get to wherever you are going when it is really cold and snowing.

It is not something that you adapt to in the first day, but it is something you can certainly adapt to and enjoy after a while.

Do you know why we that come from warm places are so afraid of real winter with minus temperatures? The answer is simple: in our countries, we are not prepared for cold weather. When it is cold here, you do not spend a lot of time outside, true, but once you are inside anywhere, you can wear whatever you want without fearing that you will freeze to death. In Brazil for instance, if it is 10°C outside, in my hometown we will sleep with two or three blankets and it will be cold, because it is 10°C inside too, we do not usually have heating system there. That is why we are so reluctant when dealing with places with real winter where temperatures go way below zero. Seriously, it is in some ways easier to live here during winter than it is back home, because you do not have to worry about the cold unless you are outside, and really, you do not stay out that long.

One thing that is quite annoying about the winter is to put on all those clothes before going outside. It is not that you need to have many layers on, it is more the fact the you need: a winter coat, a scarf, a hat, gloves, thick socks and boots (which are much more annoying to put on than nice flipflops). Imagine having to put all these on and then biking to where you have to go, for example to a café to fika (you must know what is fika if you pretend to come to Sweden, and you will love it) with some friends. When you get there, you have to take your coat, hat, gloves and maybe some other layers off, because inside it will be cosy and warm and you are quite hot to have biked there. Then, when you are done you put everything back on. Well, quite annoying, right? But the thing is, you get used to it quite fast.

Despite all this, there is nothing like seeing the snow falling from the sky. It is beautiful and hypnotising. The snow and the cold are not the problem, really. When the temperature is really low, like -10°C or -15°C, it is great to go outside. The air is fresh and the snow is nice, soft and you can have some nice snowball fight with your friends and do some snow angels, you will love it, seriously. However, the problem comes when it starts to warm up a little, then the snow melts and everything is ice and humid. Not cool. Biking on the snow, not a bit problem. Biking on ice, well you are always thinking this time you are going to fall, but you do it anyway. Swedes survive, why don’t you? It is cool, and then you can tell all your friends back home that you are fearless and you do bike in the snow/ice, no problem.

The most amazing thing is that when the temperature is super low and there are lots of snow in the ground, everything is white and there is much more light. Moreover, it might even be sunny, then you have the best days of winter. I have not tried it, but I super recommend a skying trip or ice skating. My Swedish and other European friends love it and say that this is the most amazing part of winter. Being outside, skying and skating or just playing with the snow. You might want to say ‘I am an adult, I don’t want to play in the snow’, yeah, right!

You might miss the warmth of the sun and some sunlight (we can talk about that later), but everything about experiencing the cold, snow, biking or walking in this weather is so new and exciting that you will enjoy it, maybe not the ice though, ice is scary, but you will manage. I am quite sure I will survive.

I am really excited about the change from winter to spring, everyone says it is amazing. Most of us from tropical countries have no idea how it is because we do not really have four marked season, things back home do not change gradually. I am looking forward to this, and that is something else to remember, Sweden is not all about winter.


TIME TRAVEL IS REAL! By Jackson Kinyanjui

Yes! The time machine has not been invented yet, but according to my experience in Sweden I will definitely prove this fact wrong. My name is Jackson Kinyanjui a guy with a humble background from Kenya, a country in Africa, where the sun never sets and the animals run free in the wild.

They say if wishes were horses then everyone could be riding one, this horse came riding to me on July 2016 when I received an email confirming my scholarship to come study in Sweden. In my wildest dreams I could not see myself stepping out of Kenya. I jumped up and down in joy not giving a bother if anyone was looking at me. I prepared for the journey but nothing had prepared me for what I was going to expect in Sweden.

I felt like a newborn child experiencing everything for the first time, boarding an airplane, seeing snow, using the washing machines, ovens and many more. I waved to my family as I boarded the airplane so happy I was I took pictures with the flight attendants. Finally, I stepped into Sweden. I have never seen many WAZUNGUS (white people) as we call them in Swahili at one seating I thought to myself. This felt awkward, but then I tried to smile to them and some did smile back since I was taught the easiest way to connect with a person is through a smile.

This was a time travel into the future seeing new innovations at work. The bio fueled buses… internet and Wi-Fi connectivity everywhere… constant power supply… and electric appliance at arm’s reach. Yes! I believed I had travel into the future. This was all good but a bit of me missed the African food and I remembered I had carried some corn flour from home. I went into the kitchen and made a home meal away from home known as UGALI. I invited my Swedish flat mates to come and eat and they enjoyed the meal.

After a few months’ winter started and snow fell and afternoons turned into night time. This was the last proof I need to put the last nail on the coffin that time travel is real. It was my first time seeing snow, so I went outside and like a kid in a candy store I played with the snow. This surely was and will be the best time travel experience I got.




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